Texas Soundtrack

Stories Inspired by Texas Music

Edited by Terry Dalrymple

Where Texas music and Texas storytelling Come Together

Contains the 

2011 Spur Award Winner 

"The Deacon's Horse" by Clay Reynolds 

and 12 other original stories


In their own ways, the stories in Texas Soundtrack are as musical as the songs that inspired them, each with its own rhythm, its own beat, its own insights into Texas people and Texas places. They resonate in the mind long after you read them.

What these stories do and how they do it reveals the same great diversity as the songs that gave them life. One thing is for certain, whether you are a native Texan, a proud, timetested transplant or a devotee of Lone Star life and letters, you will find within these pages both familiarity and truth.

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Introduction: “Made in Texas,” Daniel Makins
“Song of the Four Snakes,” Chris Ellery
“Econoline,” Amanda Gann Churchill
“Shambala,” Laurence Musgrove
“Ridin’ My Thumb to Mexico,” Dave Kuhne
“Bring Lyndon Home,” Mark Busby
“A Proposition,” Chuck Taylor
“Two Men—Three Shoes,” A.C. Jerroll
“Shimmerdance,” Laura Payne Butler
“The Deacon’s Horse,” Clay Reynolds
“How to Listen to Country Music,” Laurie Champion
“Massage Therapy,” Jim Sanderson
“Jelvis,” Andrew Geyer
“Bigger Wheel,” Wayne Nichols


























































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